Friday, November 30, 2007

Disneyland Christmas 2007

Disneyland Christmas 2007
Originally uploaded by godscomic
Happy Christmas - now that it has arrived and you have been so successful in completing this on-line training. Thanks for your help along the way and sharing 'my pictures", that just happened to flash in front of me!!

Disneyland Christmas 2007

Disneyland Christmas 2007
Originally uploaded by godscomic
Happy Christmas - now that it has arrived and you have been so successful in completing this on-line training. Thanks for your help along the way and sharing 'my pictures", that just happened to flash in front of me!!

Friday, November 23, 2007


Originally uploaded by herrysworld
socialising to learn new skills
face-to-face contact to achieve new heights
co-operating with others to learn new skills

not a computer in sight, just books

#23 Summary and my thoughts

#Is this really the end?

Only if you want it to be and in some ways the answer from me would be yes, but in other areas I would continue on the journey.

Overall I have found the program to be enlighting , mind-boggling and exciting.

I particularly like the idea of a word-processor on the net - in Zoho.Librarything as a book club , Image generators and flickr for photos and images.

Some of the sites were difficult to load and I found this quite frustrating. Coming to grips with the terminology and what each thing did was confusing and I found some things did virtually the same thing . Rollyos, technorati, delicious, rss feeds, wikis can be similiar and unless you use the internet daily and have a lot of interests , found that these would not be used by me.

The program was a great introduction to the latest technology and what the kids are using and now I can understand a bit more of their lingo. We as librarians working with the public do need to be aware of the latest technology , even if we dont know how to use it, but know of its existence so that we seem knowledgeable to the public.

All lessons in this program give the impression that all these new tools will benefit us , not only in our profession, but in our own lives , and I feel that we need to be aware that these tools in the wrong hands , eg, morally corrupt people, have the potential to "invade our privacy" without us even being aware that we are being "cyberstalked" That to me is not enhancing anyone's life. Technology, like anything is great in moderation, but we need to have a balance and communicate with others in traditional ways - like socialising, talking face to face , writing letters, going to meetings - like humans are meant to.

This may come across as coming from an old fuddy duddy librarian , that I am not.

Just someone who is ready to embrace new things, but without having every one in space know what I am interested in, have been doing and like to do. I am not a negative thinker, but a realist and I can see how some of these new tools can be useful , and why we need to know about them, but I also think that the disadvantages should also be noted.

Libraries in the future will be information portals - whether it be in hard copy - book form- e-books , search engines, websites , wikis and blogs and we will have to provide an outlet for the public to access this information , but not at the expense of what libraries have portrayed all these years - a public spacewhere the community can explore and expand their knowledge and socialise with their peers.

#22 Audiobooks

I am an audio book fanatic. Its a great way to keep up with the latest releases. As someone else is reading the story to me it frees me up to do other things while listening, like driving, craft work , walking and gardening.
The websites look interesting , but couldnt download any books as dont like to do that on works computers and wasnt a member. I havent listened to all of the stories in the library yet , havent got a mp3 player or laptop and dont fancy "reading my story" on a computer, it is kind of restricting.
Will utilise the websites eventually
next chapter is the last , bet you cant wait

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

#21 Podcasts

Podcasts look like a lot of fun, and a fun way to listen to information. I love audio books, so am used to listening as a way of learning.
Have attached a link to some sites I am interested in. Feeling pretty pleased I remembered how to add a link, and will use this tool more at home.
Could be a useful tool for training and teaching - in remote communities .


in the last chapter now

Friday, November 16, 2007

#20 YouTube

the three little pigs , christmas version. Lots of fun on youtube. Took a long time to find something suitable. As with all internet related information, there is a lot of "rubbish" and it takes time to filter through to the worthwhile stuff. Could be very useful for watching instructional videos/clips , but am always aware of the "dangers" involved in "free to all" in uploading and viewing material. Found it quite easy to cut and paste someone's video into my blog. But can I claim it as my own ? - brings up lots of authorship issues.

Can see why parents, teachers and us in library land need to be aware of what is being looked at on the screen. Need more direction on what is not acceptable in a public place and what to do about it.

stay tuned for next episode


Originally uploaded by TerryO'
looking forward to seeing this with my own eyes.

#19 Discovering web 2.0 tools

Had a play in a couple of sites. Am impressed with
After having planned a trip to NZ and booked everything via the net, this website would have been handy as all elements of travel are in the one site and there are links to "real life" experiences to read.
Will keep playing and learning
stay tuned

Thursday, November 15, 2007

#18 Zoho Writer

What a great site , so useful for everyone to use. Now thats what new technology should be about. Something that benefits everyone, that everyone can use wherever they are. Great way of keeping your resume, documents up to date . Easy to share documents through email , without having to make sure the other person has the same wordprocessing package.
fantastic tool.
will be utilizing that tool , often

#17 Sandbox wiki

Dabbled in the sandbox. Its just another list / group/ message board to add comments to.
short chapter this one

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

#16 wiki

Wiki, is a quickie......... way of building your own little website of information that is wanted, needed or already available . You can then put in your own two cents worth and others can add or erase or change it. Umm. Lots of good uses, and lots of bad users . " for the good of man" only if its a "good man" using it. When I have spare time from interacting with fellow humans , will have indulge in wikis .
onto the next chapter.

#15 Library2.0

Where will it all end. There is no end in sight for technology and libraries, and us "mere mortals" as librarians will become all knowing. Sometimes it feels like we are little rats running around a wheel, always trying to catch our tail or get ahead . Had a look at all of the papers and the mind is racing. Libraries are not just the building where the books are housed, but a collection of inf0rmation in paper or digital form that people can access from wherever they are.
Fascinating about librarian avatars, - will storytime be delivered by an avatar , interesting concept. Next chapter awaits.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

#14 technorati

Well, I'm still rolling around in space , but now in technorati . I can see a use for it, but dont take to the idea of being "stalked" and tagged by every man and his dog , in cyberspace, just because I happen to be interested in a topic. I like to know who has the same interests as me and not be looking over my shoulder.
I am just getting a little bit overwhelmed by all this so-called "fun things to do " with webpages, blogs, etc . All these tools are great to use in a "professional and educational " capacity , but unfortunately I think that they are making it easy for morally corrupt people to fuel their warped sense of "fun" and invading other peoples lives.
Time to get back to some old-fashioned morals and values , the old way , by face-to-face social interaction , not in fromt of a computer screen.
Stay tuned , hopefully the next installment will be "fun"


Looks like a great tool, and very helpful in organizing all of my interests in the one place that I can access anywhere, even in cyberspace!! When I'm not pursing these interests in the real world, I will have time to organise my interests in computer world. I know where I'd rather be.
stay tuned

#12 - Rollyo

Talk about rolling around in cyberspace. Still trying to figure out how to attach things to my blog. Maybe due to the fact that I have created a blog within a blog and its turned into a great big black hole. So , will perserve , when I have more time to decipher all the gooblygook.
stay tuned

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Great tool, love the instant book covers . Am going straight home to list all my own books in my bookshelf and add them to the list. Its like taking a journey down memory lane with all your favourite friends, old and new and forgotten ones. The power of the written and spoken word still far exceeds my imagination . Another journey awaits me. (have tried to paste in my library but no success, back to the drawing board)

Friday, November 2, 2007's Halloween Grab Bag - The Monster Initial Stickers Name Generator!'s Halloween Grab Bag - The Monster Initial Stickers Name Generator!

image generator#10

Had a vision of creating my own version of Bob Dylan video clip with the cards and my own creative lyrics. Did it all right, according my wealth of technical knowledge, but obviously pressed a different button that the computer or program didnt recognise, so have given up in frustration . Now will have to try for something completely different and get it from a book instead.
Next chapter in the tall tale saga is coming.