Friday, September 28, 2007

#5 flickr

Well, another chapter read. Still think it should be in science fiction , as is shrouded in mystery and it would be a crime if we dont embrace it , as it may lead us to fantasy land. Having fun with flickring and tryin g to mash. Am becoming mult-talented in real -life and cyber life, so bring on the next installment in "tall tales"

private reading throne

Claunch Reading Room
Originally uploaded by Ushlambad

Another tall tale. When a new release book is in popular demand and you haven't quite finished it, and everyone is hasselling you for it, here is the perfect place to get away from the crowds. Also good for those really scary bits !!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Hi fellow cyberspace travellers.

The first "tall tale" is - that I have understood everything that I have read here.
I am wondering whether to catalogue it as fantasy fiction, science fiction, humourous fiction , crime fiction or family saga. Or, there is the obvious - contemporary romance , because it is set in modern times and is enticing us to greater heights , so what does everyone else think?

Stay tuned for the next tall tale